Church of the Nazarene growing in South Madagascar

Church of the Nazarene growing in South Madagascar

Church of the Nazarene Africa Region
| 11 Jul 2024

It was 4 a.m., and the Toyota truck was the only vehicle bouncing through the darkness. Out of the city of Taolagnaro, on the southern coast of Madagascar, the truck headed to Ambovombe.

Ambovombe has over 20 new Nazarene churches in the zone. Several years ago, a famine impacted the whole south of the island, and Nazarene Compassionate Ministries responded to the need along with other organizations.

Through this impact of love, several churches were started. Along with District Superintendent Georges Patrice, the local leaders have been passionate about church planting, and now, just three years later, there are 20 small churches in this region.

Three days of training were planned for the 20 leaders in the area. The teaching included sessions on discipleship, healthy church planting, and a demonstration on using JESUS Film equipment. Furthermore, there were film showings planned in three nearby communities.

In the village of Etsila, the film had only begun when Soanavosotse came to the lead pastor, Vola, and requested prayer. Soanavosotse said that she had been tormented by nightmares where a large black snake entered their home and would wrap itself around her body to crush her. She was terrified, as the dream repeated.

The people of this area worship their ancestors through traditional ceremonies and many rituals and practices that keep people living in fear of the spirits. For generations, they have lived in bondage and darkness.

Those from the training gathered around her to pray for her protection, encouraging her to confess her faith in Jesus Christ to protect her against the enemy. The pastor asked her to show them her home; they went to the house and prayed, anointing the home to protect against evil spirits.

As the film ended that night, 35 children and 18 adults came forward to pray the sinner's prayer and express their faith in Christ.

“Truly, the Lord is using the message of hope and love to touch the lives of these villages,” Patrice said.

Continue to pray for the work in the south of Madagascar. There is new work beginning in each of the six provinces of the island. However, much is still left to be done: materials translated into their local languages, training of pastors and leaders, and further development of effective methods of discipleship and evangelism.

The Africa Region requests prayer for Patrice and his team as they work hard to evangelize across Madagascar and for missionaries Milly and Agnes Ibanda as they train pastors, helping to develop the work.

--Church of the Nazarene Africa Region



El tricolor incluye los colores panafricanos, simbolizando la unida de las naciones africanas. El rojo simboliza la sangre derramada por los mártires en la lucha por la independencia. El amarillo representa la abundancia de los recursos minerales, especialmente el oro encontrado en la nación y el brillo del sol que alumbra toda la tierra. El verde representa la vegetación, los bosques y otros recursos naturales en adición a la prosperidad y la tierra fértil de la nación.

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