The future of the GMC

The future of the GMC

by | 04 Mar 2011

Global Ministry Center and Regional Office Teams:

The Board of General Superintendents (BGS) has been in consultation with the Senior Leadership Team and the Global Mission Team over the past several months developing a work plan for the future of the Global Ministry Center (GMC).

With unanimous approval by the General Board and the USA National Board at their meetings in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 26-28 February 2011, the BGS announces the initiation of a three-phase effort to address the financial situation at the Global Ministry Center and the regional offices. This initiative also includes the continued revisioning of the GMC.

There are three criteria for moving in this direction:

  1. Christlike disciples in the nations
  2. The need to be good stewards of financial resources entrusted to us by the church
  3. The need to have a high ethical standard in the treatment of GMC and regional office personnel in this difficult process

Phase One deals directly with the anticipated WEF shortfall for the current year (FY 2011).  The goal of successfully dealing with this situation at the GMC has been met with the shortfall being covered through internal financial sources and WEF PLUS.

Phase Two will be a $3.0 million (US) reduction in the WEF operational budget base for fiscal year 2012, which begins 1 October 2011.

Action approved by the General Board includes:

  • Implementation of voluntary retirements and resignation-details to be forthcoming by 30 March 2011.
  • There will be other reductions in GMC workforce as revisioning continues. This was previously indicated in a recent staff meeting with the BGS chair.

In addition, the goal for phase two of the BGS work plan includes:

  • Reduction in operations, programs, and services (to be determined)
  • Reduction of travel by 25%
  • Discontinue paying supplemental life insurance premiums
  • Cancel specific contracts for outside services
  • Reduction in subsidy for Nazarene Theological Seminary, Nazarene Bible College, Nazarene Theological College Manchester, and Ambrose University College.

Phase Three is a more strategic piece, although no less urgent than phases one and two. Its primary goal is to rethink the GMC and regional offices.

To get started, a task force has been appointed by the BGS to study the future role of Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI), Nazarene Missions International (NMI), Nazarene Youth International (NYI), International Board of Education (IBOE), Clergy Development, and Stewardship Ministries.

The final report of the task force is due to the Board of General Superintendents by 15 September 2011.

The members of the General Board task force, representing various segments of the global church, are:

  • Rebeca Alvarado-Ortiz (Mesoamerica Region)
  • David A. Busic (South Central Region/USA)
  • D. Ian Fitzpatrick (Canada Region)
  • Shionel Blas Azura Gesite (Asia-Pacific Region)
  • Dwight M. Gunter II, Chair (Southeast Region/USA)
  • Daniel J. Martin (East Central Region/USA)
  • Daniel Spaite (Southwest Region/USA)
  • Paul D. Tarrant (Eurasia Region)
  • J. K. Warrick, Chair of Board of General Superintendent
  • Kerry W. Willis (Eastern Region/USA)

The General Board has also approved a single leader concept for IBOE and Clergy Development. The International Board of Education commissioner, Dr. E. LeBron Fairbanks, will be retiring, effective 30 September 2011. It is with deep appreciation for his service in this role that we accept his letter of resignation.

Other items in the BGS work plan include:

  • The USA National Board and General Board approved a recommendation from the USA Church of the Nazarene Loan Fund Committee to sell the assets of the loan fund and that authority be given to the General Board Executive Committee to negotiate terms following a feasibility study with a sister organization.
  • Further, the General Board approved a USA National Board recommendation that the use of any and all proceeds resulting from such a sale may be undertaken only after thorough analysis and General Board Executive Committee approval.
  • Should proceeds be approved to retire GMC debt, the General Board approved the creation of a bank-required resolution to authorize the transaction.

What is going to happen to our missionaries? As the BGS stated in the Quadrennial Address at the 2009 General Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, it will do everything possible to avoid bringing missionaries home from the field for financial reasons. 
What is the latest on the Paseo property in Kansas City, Missouri, USA, the former site of Nazarene headquarters? A Kansas City entity has recently signed a confidential Letter of Intent to purchase the entire Paseo campus. If the sale goes through this will free up a minimum of a quarter million dollars (US) annually for World Evangelism Fund. In addition, we will save $1.0 million (US) in WEF for deferred maintenance by no longer holding the property.

Dr. J. K. Warrick, chairman of the Board of General Superintendents, will conduct a Chat with the Chair after chapel on Monday, 14 March 2011. All GMC employees are encouraged to attend and as always questions will be addressed at this time.

Jerry D. Porter
Jesse C. Middendorf
J. K. Warrick
Eugénio R. Duarte
David W. Graves
Stan A. Toler


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