MVNU offers M.Min + MBA Dual Degree program

MVNU offers M.Min + MBA Dual Degree program

by | 17 Apr 2015

Mount Vernon Nazarene University's Graduate and Professional Studies now offers an M.Min. + MBA Dual Degree program, where students can earn both a Master of Ministry and a Master of Business Administration in only two years. All courses are being offered onsite, online, or via video conferencing.

With this dual degree program, students can take 18 credit hours of M.Min. courses, 18 hours of MBA courses, and 12 hours of cross-listed courses and earn two degrees in the time it usually takes to earn one. It is designed for bi-vocational pastors or for those in ministry who would like to advance their administration and leadership skills. The program is ideal for ministry-minded business professionals or leaders in a para-church ministry, non-profit organization, or local church.

Students enrolled in this program will engage in practical learning in the areas of business administration and strategic leadership and be able to apply that knowledge to any type of ministry organization. Courses will teach skills in leadership, staffing, budgeting, planning, and marketing. Flexible scheduling allows students to set their own pace in completing these two degrees, taking one course at a time or multiple courses in a semester according to their needs and availability.

For more information on this new Graduate and Professional Studies program, call 800-839-2355 or visit

--Mount Vernon Nazarene University




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