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Ecuador Rescatados

Rescatados camp reaffirms God’s call on young peoples’ lives

From 24-26 May 2024, the "Rescatados" Camp at Los Cerros Camp in Montecristi, Ecuador, reaffirmed values and God’s call on the lives of young people.
11 Jul 2024
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VGC Ecuador

Over 100 Ecuador Nazarenes participate in Living the Great Commission training

On 1 June 2024, the Living the Great Commission (VGC) training was successfully held for the Ecuador Sierra Norte District. This training brought together more than 100 people from various congregations.
03 Jul 2024
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Ecuador Flag

Flags of the Nations: Ecuador

Since September 1, 2009, the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center (GMC) proudly flies a flag each week of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. Leaders were invited to send a national flag to be flown at the GMC alongside the flag of the United States*.
01 Jul 2024
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Hugo Archila Arriaza appointed superintendent of Ecuador Costa District

Hugo Archila Arriaza was appointed district superintendent of the Ecuador Costa District. He currently pastors Pancho Jacome Iglesia del Nazareno in Guyaquil.
02 May 2024
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Baptisms Ecuador

Ecuador church celebrates reorganization with baptisms

In an act of faith and obedience, the Iglesia del Nazareno San Francisco, located in the Ecuadorian province of Chimborazo, celebrated baptisms on Sunday, 24 March.
17 Apr 2024
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Ecuador Youth Camp

Over 200 youth in Ecuador respond to God's call during camps

More than 200 Ecuador youth participated in training and spiritual growth camps in late March. While enjoying times of recreation, games, and spiritual growth, 125 decisions for Christ were made.
11 Apr 2024
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A group of people sit in chairs with eyes closed and hands raised

Ecuador film screenings lead to salvations

The Ecuador Austro District has started a series of film screenings about the life of Christ in order to strengthen faith and renew the commitment of many people to their Christian faith.
04 Apr 2024
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Marlon y Amalia

Restored completely: Ecuador couple serves others through marriage story 

Amalia and Marlon Caicedo serve in the marriage ministry at Iglesia del Nazareno Kadosh in Santa Clara, Ecuador, helping couples reconcile, heal, and strengthen their marriages through God’s Word. The Caicedos have firsthand experience with many of the situations they now help other couples overcome
14 Dec 2023
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Juan Soto appointed FSC for North Andean Field

Juan Soto was appointed field strategy coordinator for the North Andean Field. He currently serves as superintendent of the North Central District of Colombia and as a holistic ministries coordinator for Colombia.
06 Dec 2023
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Ecuador Playground

The first installment of the playground at Renacer Huamboya.

Ecuador church builds playground thanks to generosity of Kansas children

Iglesia del Nazareno Renacer Huamboya, a church located in the Amazon region of Ecuador, doesn’t have a building yet, but that hasn’t stopped the congregation from reaching its community.
20 Oct 2023
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Moving Ministers

Moving Ministers: September 2024

04 Oct 2024
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Nazarene School Lebanon

A prayer for Lebanon

03 Oct 2024
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In Memoriam fall leaves

In Memoriam: 4 October 2024

03 Oct 2024
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Hurricane Helene

Hurricane Helene causes devastating…

03 Oct 2024
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