Generosity sows seeds of Christ’s transforming hope

Generosity sows seeds of Christ’s transforming hope

Nazarene News Staff
| 01 Oct 2021
Give Thanks

As Christians, we are called to be ambassadors of the Kingdom throughout the world. And as the global Church of the Nazarene, you are doing exactly that. In fact, you are sowing seeds of Christ's transforming hope not only in your own communities but also to many people thousands of miles away.

In Chiang Mai, Thailand, The School of Promise is helping children to learn in a holistic manner. Their mission is to provide the children with hope and a future in a developing country through sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and education as well as breaking the cycle of poverty and oppression to children. According to missionary Christine Dialing, approximately 50% of the students are considered at risk and attend and classes on scholarships provided by the school. 

“Each of the children has [his or her] own stories to tell,” Dialing said. Some stories will break your heart, and some will let you see how blessed and fortunate you are.”

Dialing also helps at the Maetang Tribal Children’s Home, which offers English classes to the children and helps them learn Bible stories. Those that serve also get a chance to play with them and keep them active. 

Dialing’s own call to missions came in her childhood when she was inspired by a missionary book about Susan Fitkin. 

“Susan’s Calling became alive in my heart,” Dialing said. “With tears in my eyes, I said ‘Here I am, send me.’ And since then I knew someday I would be a missionary.”

Dialing loves the opportunity to share her life with her students and see them learn and grow together in the Lord. 

“Despite the painful backgrounds they have, it gives me much joy,” Dialing said. “In spite of the challenges, it won’t stop us from planting the seed of hope in the lives of the children.”

Every time you pray for the church, give to Nazarene Missions, or go on a missions trip, you share Christ’s love and help transform lives. Thanks to your generosity, we are able to continue spreading the love of Christ in every corner of the world, including in Thailand at the School of Promise and the Maeteng Tribal Children’s Home.

“The global Church of the Nazarene family has invested in, and made a difference in my life,” Dialing said. “In this missionary journey, I want to share the life I have been given to my students, with a mission to give them the best education for each of them. They deserve to be given importance, and they all deserve to be given the best education.”

Resources are now available for the upcoming Offering of Thanks for Nazarene Missions. 

The offering website,, includes promotional materials, such as social media graphics, videos, posters, brochures, a PowerPoint graphic, and bulletin inserts to support local churches.




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