Panama pastors 'pass the torch' to local youth

Panama pastors 'pass the torch' to local youth

by | 02 Jul 2015

(Also available in Spanish)

The Panama Central District recently held a Passing the Torch conference for local youth.

The event began June 12 with a service featuring Milton Gay, Nazarene Youth International coordinator for the Mesoamerica Region. That same night, the much-anticipated passing of the torch took place as pastors passed on a torch to the young people, representing the delivery of functions and leadership to a new generation.

On Saturday, June 13, the event continued with a workshop led by Gay, who spoke about qualities leaders must have. The youth were divided into groups, where they analyzed different leaders of the Bible, discussed strategies and characteristics of leadership, and then shared in group discussion.

Young people were also ministered to by District Superintendent Carlos de la Cruz and pastors in attendance. Some were touched by the presence of the Lord and testified about their call to service. All the youth leaders showed their enthusiasm and support of the next district youth ministry project.

“We thank God for the ministry of Rev. Milton and ask God to continue using him to bless the youth of the Mesoamerica Region,” said Joel Bermudez.

--Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica Region



El tricolor incluye los colores panafricanos, simbolizando la unida de las naciones africanas. El rojo simboliza la sangre derramada por los mártires en la lucha por la independencia. El amarillo representa la abundancia de los recursos minerales, especialmente el oro encontrado en la nación y el brillo del sol que alumbra toda la tierra. El verde representa la vegetación, los bosques y otros recursos naturales en adición a la prosperidad y la tierra fértil de la nación.

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