Sharing Life: Easter Offering 2013
This Easter, Christians around the world will celebrate the victorious resurrection of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
Nazarenes everywhere know that we have the privilege of abundant life in Christ because He suffered, died, and arose triumphantly. Jesus declared, "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep" (John 10:10b-11). We share in His life — partakers of the new life He has purchased with His own blood.
Again this Easter, Nazarenes worldwide will celebrate our shared life in Christ by generously participating in our annual Easter Offering for the World Evangelism Fund. We realize that every person who has found life in Christ has the wonderful privilege and awesome responsibility of "sharing His life" with a lost world.
The Great Commission task is huge — much too large for any one person or local church; however, TOGETHER we can impact our world. As we share together in the Easter Offering, our combined generosity will provide resources essential to the ministries of the Church of the Nazarene in 159 world areas. Together, we are changing lives though Christ by our faithful giving.
We encourage all church leaders to creatively plan and prepare for the Easter Offering. Please challenge every person in your congregation to participate at the highest possible level of generosity. God honors generosity, and the result is a multiplied harvest, making our shared dream "to make Christlike disciples in the nations" a reality.
Resources are available at nazarene.org/generosity.
Eugenio R. Duarte, Chair
Board of General Superintendents
Verne Ward, Director
Global Mission
Daniel Ketchum, Director
Nazarene Missions International