King of kings and Lord of lords

The celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ remains at the heart of what it means to be a Christian. As congregations across the Church of the Nazarene gather to celebrate Easter, we encourage you to remember that not only is Christ risen, but He is also our Lord.
In John's gospel, we find a very simple yet profound statement by Mary Magdalene. When Mary says, "I have seen the Lord," she is declaring that, yes, she has seen Jesus, but also, she is declaring His kingship. Jesus is Lord! He is the Messiah. He is God. He is our Savior. Mary had a beautiful and simple faith, and she was willing to declare what she believed.
On Easter, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. We are invited to worship the true King. In simple faith, may we come together as the people called Nazarene, celebrating the resurrection and responding, "Jesus is our King of kings and Lord of lords."
He is risen! He is risen, indeed!
--Board of General Superintendents
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