Nazarene Education
Christian education is that ministry of the Church by which it seeks to communicate its faith and nurture Christlike disciples. In the Church of the Nazarene, the ministry of Christian education is expressed through local church education and Nazarene higher education, including clergy education.
The International Board of Education (IBOE) serves the Church of the Nazarene system of higher education in advocacy, support, evaluation and networking. This system of institutions includes 50 colleges, universities, and seminaries and is resolute in shaping Christlike disciples and servant-leaders for lifelong service and global impact.
The institutions are located in more than 110+ world areas on six continents and serve a richly diverse student body offering phenomenal opportunities for the more than 43,000 students who annually make Nazarene institutions their schools of choice.
List of IBOE Educational Institutions Contact Information
Africa Region
Africa Nazarene University
Nazarene Bible College of East Africa
Nazarene Theological College
Nazarene Theological College of Central Africa
Nazarene Theological Institute - ITN/NTI
Seminário Nazareno de Cabo Verde
Seminário Nazareno em Moçambique
Southern Africa Nazarene University
Asia-Pacific Region
Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary
Central Philippine Nazarene College
Chapman International College
Indonesia Nazarene Theological College
Japan Nazarene Theological Seminary
Korea Nazarene University
Melanesia Nazarene Bible College
Melanesia Nazarene Teachers College
Nazarene College of Nursing
Nazarene Theological College
Philippine Nazarene College
South Pacific Nazarene Theological College
Taiwan Nazarene Theological College
Eurasia Region
European Nazarene College
Nazarene Nurses Training College
Nazarene Theological College-Manchester
South Asia Nazarene Bible College
Mesoamerica Region
Caribbean Nazarene College
Iglesia del Nazareno en México Seminario
Instituto Bíblico Nazareno
Séminaire Théologique Nazaréen d’Haiti
Seminario Nazareno de las Américas
Seminario Nazareno Dominicano
Seminario Teológico Nazareno
Seminario Teológico Nazareno Cubano
South America Region
Seminario Bíblico Nazareno Chile
Seminario Nazareno Bolivano
Seminario Teológico Nazareno del Cono Sur
Seminario Teológico Nazareno del Perú
Seminário Teológico Nazareno do Brasil
Seminario Teológico Nazareno Sudamericano
USA/Canada Region
Ambrose University
Eastern Nazarene College
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Nazarene Bible College
Nazarene Theological Seminary
Northwest Nazarene University
Olivet Nazarene University
Point Loma Nazarene University
Southern Nazarene University
Trevecca Nazarene University