Registration date announced for World Quiz 2023

Hundreds of children’s quizzers will gather in Indianapolis, Indiana, on 10 June 2023 to share their excitement and knowledge of God's Word at the 2023 World Quiz.
During the 2022-2023 quizzing season, the children have walked through the adventure of 1 and 2 Samuel. They have been memorizing verses, learning foundational truths, and growing their love for a faithful God, which has been a recurring theme.
"We hope to see over 2,000 quizzers and their families at this extraordinary event," said Dorothy Whipp, 2023 World Quiz coordinator.
Quizzers will qualify at a District Qualifying Quiz, covering questions and memory work from over 33 chapters of 1 and 2 Samuel and 20 different memory verses.
Online registration for World Quiz will open 1 April and conclude on 8 May. Check-in for WQ will be Friday, 9 June, at the Indianapolis Convention Center.
According to Whipp, a favorite part of the World Quiz is for students to share buttons with other students from different districts, states, and even other parts of the world.
"It's an excellent opportunity for the children to get a glimpse of the global Church of the Nazarene and a reminder that we are so much more than our local church,” she said.
More than 400 volunteers will be needed, and shifts are available for a portion of the day on Friday, 9 June or Saturday, 10 June. Volunteer registration will open alongside attendee registration.
For more information on the event or registration, contact your regional quizzing director or email Dorothy Whipp at dwhipp@nazarene.org.