Anticipation high as U.S. churches prepare for WEF PLUS offering

Anticipation high as U.S. churches prepare for WEF PLUS offering

by | 18 Nov 2010

What a great blessing it is to be part of the Church of the Nazarene! We are overwhelmed by the wonderful responses of pastors and churches from all over the world as they share their plans for receiving their Challenge 2010* - WEF PLUS offering. Our anticipation is high as thousands of churches in the United States plan to receive their WEF PLUS gifts this Sunday, November 21, in conjunction with the United States Thanksgiving holiday. They will use this offering as a symbol of their deep gratitude to God for His many blessings. 

Let us state again the incredible blessing it is to be part of such a great Church that is so generously rallying around us to ensure that we do not have to cut back on our missionary efforts. Thank you!
--Challenge 2010 Staff

Many Nazarenes have already been participating in this opportunity to give. Stories of generosity from Nazarenes continue to arrive at the denomination's Global Ministry Center. We at NCN News would like to share some of them:

USA/Canada Region

Carrie Adkins, a layperson in the Fawn Grove, Pennsylvania, Church of the Nazarene, shares:

I wanted to share a story about the WEF Plus offering from my family. About 3 weeks ago, our local NMI [Nazarene Missions International] president handed out folders for kids to put $10 worth of quarters in. I took one to my 3 year old daughter, Averi, and asked her if she wanted to collect quarters so that other people could hear about Jesus. She loved the idea and began asking everyone in the family for quarters. Almost daily, Averi asks her grandfather if he has any quarters and he often does. Her daddy puts all his change in her piggy bank and she asked him to get all the quarters out of her piggy bank and he found 100 quarters there and she decided to give all of them. We went on vacation with one of her aunts and uncles and she asked them for all their quarters. Averi has now completely filled 4 folders with quarters and is working on her fifth one! Just tonight, she said that she wants to write a letter and ask two of her aunts who live in another state to see if they will send her some quarters! To see my child so excited to gather quarters to help others hear about Jesus is inspiring to me. 

The story of Adrienne, a layperson in the RealLife Church:


Adrienne, a lady in the congregation at RealLife who is wheel chair bound, blind in one eye, and has a speech impairment, has suffered a lot in life and struggles to make ends meet. When Rev. Bob Prescott finished speaking, he sat down at Adrienne's table. As Faith Promise and WEF PLUS cards were distributed, she asked Bob to help her complete her card. Here is her story in her words:

"Sunday [September 5, 2010] was my first back at church since the death of my Mom. Frankly, I was devastated, but our annual Faith Promise was a great Sunday to get back to normal.

"I knew that I had finally heard from God and that was all I needed! I cried because I wasn't sure where my commitment for $500 would come from and because I am poor. There was no way I could afford that. I could not (and still have not) read the fine print on the commitment card. I wasn't in the know; I didn't have to be! I had heard from God.

"Today, I was able to make half of that faith promise a reality! Same bills to pay; I am just amazed! The money was there, extra money! I don't know how, but the bill dates were pushed back. God is at work everywhere. Thanks so much for helping God be glorified once again!"

Rick Ryding, pastor of the Centralia, Washington, First Church of the Nazarenes, writes:

Dear Brothers,

I thank God for you. You are carrying an overwhelming burden in these difficult times. You are in our prayers. I am grateful for the spirit of love, grace and honesty that mark your correspondence to us. You are strengthening the bond that exists among us in Christ.

I wanted to assure you that the people of First Church in Centralia, Washington, will press to reach 10% again this year, as well as participate in the Thanksgiving and WEF PLUS offerings. Though Lewis County, and our church, are experiences the impact of the recession, we will continue to be faithful to global mission.

May the Lord continue to bless you, strengthen you, give you wisdom and courage to lead us in Christ's Spirit and power.

Stories to share? Please send them to us at

*Challenge 2010 is an invitation by the Board of General Superintendents for Nazarenes to give in this special one-time offering. Funds raised for the WEF PLUS portion of Challenge 2010 will be considered a Ten Percent Missions Special and are separate from the 5.5 percent annual WEF giving goal laid out in the new Funding the Mission plan. This offering, given by churches around the world from September through December, is designed to help offset a potential reduction of WEF income while providing necessary resources for making Christlike disciples in the nations. Our goal is $6 million.

For more information, videos, and resources, see

--NCN News





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