Sri Lanka church leader passes away

Mrs. Vathani, spouse and ministry partner of Sri Lanka District Superintendent Daniel, passed away 6 March following an illness.
Hermann Gschwandtner, former field strategy coordinator for South Asia, which includes Sri Lanka, wrote the following about Vathani:
“With great sadness we have heard about the recent passing of our sister Vathani…. Since the beginning of the work [of the Church of the Nazarene] in Sri Lanka in the fall of 1999, Rev. Daniel and his wife have served the church. They started the first JESUS Film team in the country and organized the first Church of the Nazarene.
“For many years they did not just house the church, but also started dozens of churches and housed regular training sessions for new pastors via South Asia Nazarene Bible College (SANBC). Sister Vathani was herself a graduate of SANBC.”
Vathani is also survived by four sons: Oshan, Anushan, Dishan, and Joy Krishan.
Prayer is requested for Vathani’s family and for the church in Sri Lanka as they honor her dedication and passion for the gospel by carrying on her legacy.
--Church of the Nazarene Eurasia
Full names omitted for security reasons