Resourcing Nazarenes Everywhere with Timely, Accurate Information.
Below are some research tools to help you in your ministry.
These are the tools available from this page:
• Find the statistics for any Church of the Nazarene or any Nazarene district. Any local church membership, discipleship, attendance, or financial data reported to the Global Ministry Center is available in these reports. Summary reports contain the most-requested information and are our most popular pages. Comparative reports give more details along with information about other regional churches in the same size range. Detailed reports put all the available data into a downloadable spreadsheet format.
• Discover what a Canada or USA neighborhood is like with the Community Demographics report. Select a location and a radius, then get a listing showing age groups, occupations, ethnic groups, growth rates, and more. There are nine different reports available, but the Summary Overview is the place to start. (We are working on expanding this service to other world areas, but currently, just the Canada and USA data is online.)
• Learn about the religious make-up of any USA county (or its equivalent in some states). The U.S. Religion Census has congregational counts by county for 236 religious groups — Christian denominations, Jewish groups, Muslim, and others. Most groups also report the number of people associated with those congregations. This is available for USA counties, metro areas, states, and even Nazarene districts.
And, of course, you may send additional queries straight to our email account.
Nazarene Research Services: Resourcing Nazarenes everywhere with timely, accurate information.
research@nazarene.org | twitter.com/NazResearch | facebook.com/NazareneResearch