Bonita Park dedicates first building since Little Bear Fire

During the annual New Mexico District Family Camp, a ribbon cutting and dedication ceremony was held at the new 36,000-square-foot Events Center at Bonita Park Nazarene Camp and Conference Center. This building replaced six major buildings that were destroyed by the Little Bear wildfire three years ago.
The building includes a full-size gymnasium with bleachers, an indoor walking track, an indoor climbing wall with 14 stations, a snack shack, and two fireplace conference rooms, each seating 150 people.

Several hundred people attended the ceremony officiated by New Mexico District Superintendent J. Fred Huff and Bonita Park Executive Director Stan Yocom. Greetings were read from New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, Church of the Nazarene General Superintendent David Busic, General Superintendent Emeritus Jim Bond, USA/Canada Regional Director Bob Broadbooks, and others. Visiting Family Camp speaker Tim Green wrote a responsive litany for the ceremony.
The building, valued at 3.5 million dollars, was dedicated with a million dollar indebtedness.
"We praise God for helping us recuperate from the devastating Little Bear Fire and give God glory for the great things He is doing on the New Mexico District," Huff said.
--New Mexico District via NCN News submissions
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