JNI - Ressources pour les concours
For many youth, the comradery and competition aspects of Bible Quizzing are strong motivators to stick with such a detailed study of the Bible during a time in their lives when they have so much competing for their attention. Even so, the competition is secondary to what Bible Quizzing is about. In order for the competition to not become a hindrance to the goal of Bible Quizzing, all quizzers, coaches, and officials seek to respect others and the stated rules. The theme verse for Nazarene Youth International is 1 Timothy 4:12, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” We believe the Bible Quizzing ministry can help cultivate the actions, attitudes, and lifestyle necessary for this verse to ring true of all our youth. Thus, the pursuit of success must never dominate the commitment to exhibit a Christlike example.
Getting started
First, get connected with the Bible Quizzing leader on your region. Each region has contextualized Bible Quizzing to best serve their ministry areas. Thus, the information below seeks to provide a very broad overview of Bible Quizzing, but does not fully capture how Bible Quizzing looks in your world area.
Quizzing components
- Team: Most quizzing teams are made up of four to five members. During quiz rounds, there are four quizzers and one substitute.
- Coaches: Each team has one adult who serves as a coach.
- Quiz Master: The quiz master reads each question, recognizes the quizzer who got the question, and rules whether or not the answer given in correct or not.
- Content Judge: The content judge listens for errors in the reading of the question and the answers, assists the quiz master with ruling on answers, and keeps time.
- Scorekeeper: The scorekeeper records the official team lineups, points gained or lost, and final scores.
- Jump Judge: The jump judge determines which quizzer jumped first. This position is not needed when using electronic jump seats or buttons.
- Scoring: Correct answers to toss-up questions are worth 20 points. Correct answers to bonus questions are worth 10 points. Some errors cause a 10 point deduction.
- Toss-up question: A question that is open to all teams; a correct answer is worth 20 points.
- Bonus question: A question given to a specific member of a team after an error by their opponents; a correct answer is worth 10 points.
- Error: An error is an incorrect answer to a toss-up question
- Appeal: An appeal occurs when the captain of a team has a concern with a question, such as how it was read, how it was worded or distractions that occurred while it was read.
- Challenge: A challenge occurs when the captain of a team has a concern about the quizmaster's ruling of an answer to a toss-up question.
- Question sets: A question set contains the 20 questions used in a given round and includes a separate list of questions to be available as replacement questions if needed.
Question types
- General - general information
- According to - gives the specific verse and requires the quizzer to stay within the context of that verse for both their question and answer.
- Situation - a quote is given and the quizzer must supply the requested information about the situation surrounding the quote. The situation question is only used when quizzing on the gospels and Acts.
- In what book and chapter - a quote is given and the quizzer must supply the book and chapter of the quote (used for the epistles only).
- Quote, finish this verse or finish this verse and give the reference - exact knowledge of the verse and its reference are required as specified.
- Context - Tests quizzer ability to tie concepts together.
Scoring Guidelines
- +20 points for a correct answer to a toss-up question (individual and team scores)
- +10 points for a correct answer to a bonus question (team score)
- +10 points for correct answers to 4 toss-up questions without error by an individual (individual and team scores)
- +10 additional points for a correct answer to a toss-up question by a 3rd team member (team score)
- +10 additional points for a correct answer to a toss-up question by a 4th team member (team score)
- +10 additional points for a correct answer to a toss-up question by a 5th team member (team score)
- –10 points for a late line-up (team score)
- –10 points for every error beginning with the 16th question (team score)
- –10 points for every team error beginning with the 5th error (team score)
- –10 points for the 3rd individual error (individual and team score)
- –10 points for all fouls committed by a team or any member of that team beginning with the 2nd foul (team score)
- –10 points for every overruled challenge beginning with the 2nd (team score)
- –10 points for every challenge containing erroneous information (team score)
- –10 points for every rebuttal containing erroneous information (team score)
*No more than 10 points may be deducted for any error. However, additional points may be deducted for fouls, erroneous information, etc,, on the same question.
Click here to download the Bible Quizzing scoresheet template.