Paraguay leadership conference stresses importance of God's call
Ñandemba'e is a word from the Guaraní language — an indigenous language mainly spoken in Paraguay — meaning “ours." Ñandemba'e served as the retreat slogan for pastors and leaders of Paraguay. 150 people from three districts in Paraguay attended the event.
Pablo Tello, coordinator of holistic ministries in Paraguay, was in charge of coordinating the event along with a team of leaders. He says the slogan came as a call to strengthen themselves to bring the greatest impact possible for God's kingdom.
"In reality, the church is Christ's," Tello said. "But we feel responsible to fulfill God's call for responsibility, dedication, and holiness for those in the ministry."
The event began early, with all the attendees having breakfast together. After having received a devotional from the superintendent of the Central District, Rafael Cardozo, they split off into their respective local ministry groups, such as Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Nazarene Discipleship International, Nazarene Missions International (NMI), Nazarene Youth International (NYI). CAFÉ (a ministry to married couples), women's ministry, and Missions Mobilization to receive training and resources.
"I thank God for the beautiful time shared at the Ñandemba’e retreat,” said Pastor Flaminio Cólman from Guazucuá. “It was a great blessing for my life where God motivated my heart to continue extending his Kingdom, bringing the plan of salvation to others."
In the afternoon, the participants took time to reflect and learn together about church planting and leadership service. Allan Días from Venezuela encouraged participants to continue expanding the kingdom of God through evangelism and JESUS Film ministries.
The event ended with the preaching of the new South America regional director, Alessandro Polonio, who spoke a message to the hearts of those present.
Antonio Carballo, pastor of the Reducto Church of the Nazarene, said, "It was a koinonia with other pastors, a time of encountering God through his word."
--Church of the Nazarene South America