India NYC calls on youth to be like Christ

India NYC calls on youth to be like Christ

NCN Staff
| 03 Jun 2011
NYC India

After months of preparation, hard work, and prayers, the India Field Nazarene Youth International council rejoiced and celebrated on the completion of yet another successful Nazarene Youth Conference on the field. 

The India Field NYC was May 19-21 in Tiruvalla, Kerala. The theme for NYC was the same as the global NYI theme for the quadrennial, "Called to be like Christ, loving others in our world." 

The council expected about 550 young people to attend from across the country. The total attendance was 650 young people, guests, and leaders. 

Some traveled more than 48 hours to attend NYC. Some left their village homes to travel alone for the very first time. 

Among the 650 people who attended, about 30 received Christ for the first time in their lives, and 130 to 150 young people expressed a call to full-time ministry with the church. 

Another significant difference and change that took place at this NYC, and which many leaders commented on, was that not one young person missed any sessions. 

"We did not have any problem with discipline and did not have to chase young people to attend the sessions; they did it on their own," said Ashish Hirday, an NYI district president and NYC volunteer. 

After NYC ended, field leadership realized there is a need to conduct proper follow-up, equipping and training for the youth who received ministry calls and want to make significant changes for the church and for the nation in the future. 

Sunil Dandge, field strategy coordinator for India, has given his full support to the follow-up work to help the youth who have responded to God's ministry call, as well as to those still seeking the call in their lives. 

NYC speakers included Gustavo Crocker, Eurasia Region director, and Deirdre Brower Latz, senior lecturer in pastoral and social theology at Nazarene Theological College in England. They spoke on the theme of being called to love and obey, and being missional. Crocker closed NYC with a challenge and commission to every young person present, followed by sharing communion.

Another person who made a significant contribution in the lives of the young people was Sabine Wielk, Eurasia Region youth coordinator, one of the speakers for morning devotions.

There were two workshops led by Ciby Mathew and Cordell Payne, who are Christian workers from India. Both are people who are seeking the call in their life through their ministry; their workshops on identity and relationships changed the lives of attendees. Many youth opened up about difficult things they have struggled with for years. 

For months, people around the world prayed for God to ignite revival among the young people during the three days; God answered these prayers. 

The field and the council rejoice that God's work was done in His time, and that everything happened in His will and to glorify Him alone.




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