General superintendents appeal to U.S. churches for full support of P&B Fund
The Board of General Superintendents is calling all U.S. churches to a renewed commitment to full payment of the Pensions and Benefits Fund, said J.K. Warrick, BGS chair. The general superintendents will give special attention to support of the P&B Fund at each U.S. district assembly in 2011.
"Full support of the P&B Fund is vital to the Church of the Nazarene fulfilling promises made to her ministers and widowed spouses under the Basic Pension Plan," Warrick said. "The fund has been hurt by a decline in giving by churches over the last 20 years. Further weakening of investments has contributed to sluggish growth toward the goal of fully funding the plan. However, our board is confident that, as in the past, when Nazarenes are made aware of the need, they will rally to the support of our retirees."
"Will We Be There for Them?" is the theme for the emphasis to support P&B Fund giving. The general superintendents will present a video at this summer's U.S. assemblies and give special recognition to retired ministers on each district.
In December the Board of General Superintendents issued a statement, "Resolved to Faithfulness," urging U.S. churches to fully support the Pensions and Benefits Fund.
"Contributions to the P&B Fund have declined since 1989 from 2 percent of total church income to a low of 1.49 percent in 2009," said Don Walter, P&B USA director. "There is no immediate danger for those currently receiving retirement benefits; however, if additional contributions, along with improved asset performance do not occur, the fund will face significant problems within the next 12 years."
The Pensions and Benefits Fund receives no allocations from World Evangelism Fund giving. About 5,000 retired Nazarene ministers and widowed spouses currently receive monthly support from the P&B Fund. It also serves as the source of contributions to the 403(b) Retirement Plan accounts of all eligible ministers.
--Pensions & Benefits USA