National Women's Convention encourages Venezuela women

The Nazarene women of Venezuela held their annual National Convention for 2020. While the convention is normally held at the Jiraquito campground, National Women’s Ministry Coordinator Nancy Cordero and her team decided to hold the national meeting online because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I was moved by the enthusiasm and participation that the Venezuelan women showed at the Courageous Women Conference,” Cordero said. “It is well known the difficulties we are experiencing as a country. To see them participate and being attentive and happy the whole time it's something that encourages us to keep moving forward.”
Nineye de Herrera, Yaniteze Guitierrez, Waner Nunes, and Diana Silva spoke at the conference, allowing the Holy Spirit to use them to bring a message of encouragement, strength, and edification.
More than 150 women from every district in Venezuela participated, and many women opened the doors of their homes for others who did not have equipment or internet service available to them. The ministry of these women allowed many others to join the conference.
“I thank the Lord God Almighty for the opportunity to participate in this beautiful National Women's Conference through Zoom,” said Maladis Uribe, a participant. “The event was a success, and many have testified about the impact the conference had in their lives. The power of the Holy Spirit inspired us and challenged us to be courageous women during this time of difficulties and pandemic in our country as we surrender our fears to the feet of Christ.”