New director appointed for Nazarene Theological Institute

Africa Region Education and Clergy Development recently announced the appointment of Antero D. Fontes as the new Nazarene Theological Institute (ITN/NTI) director.
The ITN/NTI serves the Africa West and Central fields. The institute has an enrollment of 1,400 Christian leaders who are being equipped for all facets of ministry in 16 countries.
Up until 2019, Fontes worked with Jacques Balibanga to co-direct the work of the ITN/NTI. Balibanga, a missionary, now serves in Cameroon.
“We are grateful for his service to establish the work of ITN/NTI as it stands. We pray God’s best for the work there,” said Gabriel Benjiman, Education and Clergy Development coordinator for the Africa Region. “We consider Antero Fontes a very capable and enthusiastic leader and he, together with his family and the educational team, will certainly deliver highly on the expectations for clergy and Christian leader development.”
Baptized in November 1988, Fontes has served the Kingdom through the Church of the Nazarene in multiple positions, including youth leader, worship leader, educator, full-time pastor, and finally a bi-vocational pastor. Fontes looks forward to guiding the educational needs of the fields through his new assignment.
Fontes undertook his clergy education at different levels in different languages. He studied for his diploma, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees in Portuguese, French, and English.
“We thank God for the Fontes family in all their dedication and devotion to Christ and His work on earth,” Benjamin said. “We welcome Antero D. Fontes to the great work of developing leaders in Africa for the world.”