Nazarene evangelists receive support through 'evange-stimulus'

Nazarene evangelists receive support through 'evange-stimulus'

Nazarene Foundation
| 28 May 2020
Nazarene Evangelist

Evangelist Norman Moore leads an altar call. 

Before the IRS issued a single stimulus check, a group of generous Nazarenes came together to provide for a vital ministry of the Church of the Nazarene: evangelism and revivalism.

Due to statewide stay-at-home orders and the COVID-19 pandemic, Nazarene evangelists have essentially been furloughed from all of their speaking engagements. Gary Bond, Revivalism coordinator, noted that evangelists were reporting cancellations throughout the spring and summer, and some even into the fall of 2020.

Nazarene evangelists partner with local churches to host revivals, disciple believers, and spread the love of Christ. They have a crucial role in the life of the Church, and each one is dedicated to their calling.

Concerned for the future of this ministry and the financial need of evangelists, several individuals approached Bond with a desire to help. Because these generous givers were already partnering with the Church of the Nazarene Foundation through donor-advised funds, they were ready to immediately support Nazarene evangelists through this period of limited income. Within days, Bond and Foundation President Ken Roney devised a plan to distribute funds to those in need.

These “evange-stimulus” checks have been made available to Nazarene evangelists, enabling them to apply for and receive up to $3,000 each. Over 30 evangelists have now received a check from Nazarene Foundation donors, allowing them to continue their vital ministry through these difficult times. 

“Because of the way the Foundation is set up, we were able to cut a check as soon as these individuals expressed a desire to give,” Roney said. “That’s our mission: meeting the needs of Nazarene ministries at the right time, in the right way.”

One evangelist wrote, “When we received this in the mail, our family had to gather in the living room and thank the Lord for His provision. Thank you for being Jesus ‘with skin on!’” 

Another shared that through a lifetime of walking with the Lord, God has always been faithful to provide, and this check came at just the right time to illustrate that truth once again.

As one evangelist said, “Once again, God has used His people to illustrate His faithful and giving heart.” 

The Church of the Nazarene Foundation, which assists Nazarenes with planned and deferred giving, has been blessed to partner with Nazarene Revivalism Ministries for this special project to meet an immediate and important need in the Church of the Nazarene. To give to the Evangelists Fund or to learn more about these unique planned giving tools, please email



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