Jim Bond appointed Oklahoma District superintendent

Jim Bond was appointed superintendent of the Oklahoma District on 30 November 2023. Bond has been the superintendent of the Kansas District, serving in that role since 2014.
Bond will replace Larry Morris effective 1 January 2024, after Morris’ decision to step down from the role.
“Donna and I are excited to be heading back home where our journey began,” Bond said. “We are humbled and honored to be asked to partner with the great and historic district of Oklahoma. We believe the Holy Spirit and Lord of the church have great days ahead for us as we dream together and work to make Christlike disciples in the nations.”
Prior to leading the Kansas District, Jim was the lead pastor at Junction City Church of the Nazarene in Kansas for nine years. He served previously at churches in Bedford, Ohio, Cimarron, Kansas, and Bethany, Oklahoma. He is a graduate of Southern Nazarene University and holds a master’s degree in theology.
Jim and his wife, Donna, have three adult children.