
The Funding the Mission website has been created to help make a local church’s task of tracking their giving goals much easier. The website allows a church to calculate their giving goals all throughout the fiscal year, they can see what gifts have been received and processed by the General Treasury, and they can use the site to give electronically. Giving electronically is much easier, safer and less expensive for the local church and the Church of the Nazarene, therefore more money can be used in ministry!



+ How do I change the email linked to my Nazarene account for the Funding the Mission website?

To change your email address, contact Stewardship Development at stewardship@nazarene.org and give us your old email address and the new one you would like to use. Stewardship Development will make the change for you.

+ My password doesn't work anymore. How do I reset my password?

Each Funding the Mission user can change their password by clicking on the words “Forgot Login” on the login page and follow the instructions. Remember, if you change your password for your Nazarene Account it will change the password for all access points that your Nazarene Account is connected to. See the help documents for step by step instructions.

+ I'm trying to log in to FundingtheMission.org, but it won't let me. What should I do?

First, make sure you are typing in your email and correct password.  If you still cannot login, try resetting your password. If you are still not able to enter the website, you can email Stewardship Development at stewardship@nazarene.org for help

+ I was told that I would receive an email inviting me to use FundinghteMission.org,

but it hasn't come.

Check in your email provider’s junk or spam folder to see if the email was redirected there. If you still have not received it, you can contact Stewardship Development at stewardship@nazarene.org for help

+ I've got a new person working in our church office. How do I make sure he or she has access to FundingtheMission.org?

To establish your Nazarene account for access to the Funding the Mission website, email your district office or Stewardship Development at stewardship@nazarene.org with your first and last name, personal email address that only you have access to, cell phone number for dual authentication, and the church and district where you are serving.



+ What is my church's income?

The most simple and common definition of your church’s income is a charitable contribution to your church. Whether designated or not designated, if the gift is charitable, it is usually considered to be church income.  See this link for guidelines on what is and what is not considered church income. (https://fundingthemission.org/sites/default/files/Definition_of_Income_and_Examples_REVISED.pdf

+ How do you calculate my church's World Evangelism Fund, Pensions & Benefits,

and Education goals?


The funding plan is “tithe-like” in that it is based on the local church’s current fiscal year income. As your church sends in mission gifts, whether a WEF gift or a mission project gift, those gifts are subtracted from your church’s income and the goals are recalculated. There is never any giving goal calculated on any gift that your church gives towards Nazarene missions.

+ What is the mission Ten (formally Ten Percent) goal?


This goal challenges each church to give at least 10% of its church income to Nazarene mission projects which includes monies given to the WEF and any other mission special project.

+ What's a Point-to-point request, and how do I submit one?


A point to point request form is how a local church reports a gift that was given directly to a Nazarene mission project instead of sending the gift to the General Treasurer.  Point to point forms are filled out on the website Funding the Mission. If approved, the point to point request adds to a church’s mission project giving totals and helps a church reach the Mission Ten goal.

+ Can my church give online?


Yes, each church can give through the www.fundingthemission.org site and is the most cost-effective way to give towards a local church’s giving goals.

+ How do I report our church's income? 

A church can report its income on the Funding the Mission website and the site will help calculate your church’s giving goals.  Reporting income on the site helps a church stay on track with their giving goals.



+ Our District would like to offer online giving to our churches to give to the district, can the

Funding the Mission site accommodate our district in this way? 

Yes, each district can enter a URL address on the Funding the Mission website to direct their churches to the place where a church can give towards their district goal. See the FAQ help documents for instructions on how to enter this URL.

+ How do I input district giving data from the local churches into the site?

The Funding the Mission website allows for districts to enter giving that they received from churches through the data batch entry system.  See the FAQ help documents for instructions on how to enter data via the batch entry system.

+ How do I edit district giving data from local churches?

Each district can edit or delete what they enter into the website for local churches to view.  See the FAQ help documents for instructions on how edit batch data on the website.

+ Where can I find the district giving reports?

District reports are available by clicking on the icon “reports” on the top navigation bar.



+ Our church's transaction was processed incorrectly. How do we change it?

Sometimes transactions don’t show up correctly for various reasons. If it is a district transaction, simply contact your district. If not, the first step is to log in to FundingtheMission.org and request a change by visiting the “Contributions” page. You’ll see a table near the bottom of the page that shows your transaction history for the year. Click the details button to the right of the transaction. In the new page that loads there is a form to fill out and submit. Your change will be made as quickly as possible and will show up on the FundingtheMission.org site in a few days. If you'd like to download instructions, including pictures of how to do this, see page 5 of this PDF.

If you have more questions about changing specific transactions, you can contact Donor Services at 1-866-624-3092 or donorservices@nazarene.org

+ Why hasn't my Point-to-Point request been approved? 

Point-to-Point requests are individually reviewed and either approved or denied. If you have questions about why your Point-to-Point request is still pending or has been denied, please contact Stewardship Ministries at 1-800-544-8413 or stewardship@nazarene.org. If you have submitted a Work and Witness Point-to-Point, the Work and Witness office will be reviewing the request, and you can also contact them for more information at 913-577-0500.

+ Why does my World Evangelism Fund goal and other giving goals keep changing?

This has to do with how the goals are calculated. If you report income, your goals will go up. If your church gives to World Evangelism Fund, your goals will go down. Giving to Mission Specials out of tithe offerings can also lower your goals. If you have more questions about goal calculations, see our other FAQ question, "How do you figure out my church's World Evangelism Fund, Pensions & Benefits, and Education goals?"

+ I reported the wrong church income. How do I change or correct the wrong numbers?

When you report income, the application automatically keeps a record of all the income numbers you previously submitted. These records can't be erased, but only the most recent number is used by the FundingtheMission.org application. If you enter the wrong income amount, simply update the number FundingtheMission.org is using by reporting your Total Year-to-Date Income. The old, incorrect number will only be in the records for your reference.

+ How do I save a bank account or credit card to use for giving online?

On FundingtheMission.org you can securely save bank accounts to ensure that the right information is used every time you give. Once you log in to the site, go to the Bank Accounts page and fill out the form with your account information. Hit "Add Bank Account," and that's it. If you'd like detailed instructions with pictures of how to add a bank account, view this PDF or watch the video.

+ What is the Ten Percent Endorsement?


FTM login image
FTM login image

The Funding the Mission tool allows the local church to record income, track progress toward allocation goals, and make itemized online contributions. Not signed up yet? Contact your district office or email stewardship@nazarene.org.