Prayer circles, intergenerational worship highlight day three of NDI Convention

Prayer circles, intergenerational worship highlight day three of NDI Convention

Nazarene Discipleship International
| 12 Jun 2023
Prayer Circle

The third day of the Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) General Convention was again filled with the presence of Jesus. Numerous prayer groups continued to be stationed around the convention center, interceding for God’s will to be done throughout the day. 

With an attendance of more than 11,000 worshipers, the Sunday morning intergenerational worship service included people of all ages, pastors and laypersons, and people from near and far who all came together to worship Jesus as Lord. GA Kids provided bags for all children filled with curated activities that coordinated with the message. 

After the morning service, the GA Families Picnic Party opened for everyone to participate. Many tables and chairs were available for families to picnic together with their own food or from vendors. Each table had engaging activities for everyone. Twelve stations were located around the room for children to learn about evangelism, prayer, and worship.

GA Kids held an eventful worship time Sunday night with several hundred preschool-aged and elementary children under the theme Jesus is Lord.

-Nazarene Discipleship International




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