Korea District finds rest, new focus at family conference

Korea District finds rest, new focus at family conference

Asia-Pacific Region Church of the Nazarene
| 10 Nov 2022
Korea National District Family Camp

The Korea National District held its annual Family Conference 17-19 October 2022 at Hanwha Resort in Pyeongchang.

A total of 423 pastors and family members joined the three-day family conference. Twelve instructors provided God’s word and valuable information to help local church ministries. The worship team, led by Pastor Um, Won-sik, added energy and encouragement to the conference.

“This conference was a perfect time for the families to have a retreat, encourage, and build one another,” District Superintendent Yoon Moon-gi said. “I hope we will continue to live a balanced life as we look forward to serving in our ministries in this new normal.”

The conference provided opportunities for pastors and their families to spend particular time together, including featured programs focused on the fellowship and harmony of the pastoral family. There were special lectures for pastors’ wives and activities at an amusement and water park and for the pastor’s children, bringing the families rest and joy.

Park Seonghee, who attended the conference with her five children, said, “It was a great time for both parents and children because not only parents but also young children could participate.”

The District Ministerial Studies Board organized the event with the theme “Rest and New Challenges.”

“If we rest, we can easily recover and take on new challenges,” said Jeon Gwangdon, head of the District Ministerial Studies Board. “We can only look at God, endure, and live like Joseph. And surely God will take care of us and take responsibility to give us pastors the strength we need.”

The gathering has become an event that gives pastors time to rest and recharge as they face new challenges in the ministry.

--Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific




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