SENDAS celebrates graduation and 50th anniversary

SENDAS celebrates graduation and 50th anniversary

Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica
| 05 Nov 2021
SENDAS Graduation

Seminario Nazareno de las Americas (SENDAS) recently celebrated 68 graduates from 13 different countries completing their degree programs. For the second consecutive year, SENDAS held its graduation virtually. During that time, the school also celebrated its 50th anniversary.

The 50th-anniversary celebration was also an occasion to remember the seminary’s first president, Howard Conrad, and his successors, Louis Regains, Dr. Jerry Porter, Enrique Guan, and Randy Vorce .

The graduates included students from Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, the United States, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. 

“We infinitely thank God who has allowed us to be a means of blessing in equipping many men and women who he has called to ministry,” said SENDAS president, Ruben Fernandez.

The Evangelical Association of Theological Education in Latin America (AETAL) gave Ruben Fernandez a plaque recognizing him as “Theological Person of 2021,” an award of high honor for his incalculable service to theological education for over 35 years. Marco Velasco, representing the board of directors of AETAL, presented the award.

Fernandez, originally from Argentina, is the president of the Nazarene Seminary of the Americas. He has also served as academic dean and administrative dean, respectively, in the area of theological education. 

“We express our enormous gratitude to all those individuals who have served and continue to serve SENDAS as well as those who have placed their trust in this institution blessed by God for their ministry formation,” Velasco said.

--Seminario Nazareno de las Americas




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