SENDAS creates Spanish theological resource for pastors

SENDAS creates Spanish theological resource for pastors

Seminario Nazareno de las Americas
| 21 Jan 2021

Seminario Nazareno de las Americas (SENDAS) launched a new website, Teología Hoy (Theology Today), to resource pastors with theological materials in Spanish. 

“It is a publication of Arminian-Wesleyan theological and pastoral reflection for the Hispanic world, which we are convinced will make a difference in our lives and in the communities we serve,” said Rubén Fernández, SENDAS rector.

The site’s launch is part of the seminary’s 50th anniversary celebration. It provides articles on biblical theology and pastoral theology written in a simple but profound way. Readers will also find summaries of books and the magazine “Llamados” (Called).

“I invite each pastor and leader of our congregations to access and share this totally free resource on their social networks,” Fernandez said. “A new year begins that will be unique, and a publication that will also be unique is born with it.”

--Seminario Nazareno de las Americas




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