Recognizing the importance of storehouse tithing

Recognizing the importance of storehouse tithing

by | 18 Apr 2019

The Church of the Nazarene encourages its members to engage in the biblical practice of storehouse tithing.

Because of your generous giving, we are able to share Christ’s transformational love with the world through compassion, evangelism, and education.

The concept of storehouse tithing is further explained in Manual paragraph 32.

32.1: Storehouse tithing is a scriptural and practical performance of faithfully and regularly placing the tithe into that church to which the member belongs. Therefore, the financing of the church shall be based on the plan of storehouse tithing, and the local Church of the Nazarene shall be regarded by all of its people as the storehouse. All who are a part of the Church of the Nazarene are urged to contribute faithfully one-tenth of all their increase as a minimum financial obligation to the Lord and freewill offerings in addition as God has prospered them for the support of the whole church, local, district, educational, and general. The tithe, provided to the local Church of the Nazarene, shall be considered a priority over all other giving opportunities which God may lay upon the hearts of His faithful stewards, in support of the whole church.

To read the full Manual statement, click here.



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