Nazarenes in the News: November 6, 2015

Nazarenes in the News: November 6, 2015

by | 06 Nov 2015

Nazarenes in the News is a compilation of online news articles featuring Nazarene churches or church members.   

New York Times photo

At Officer Randolph Holder’s funeral, mayor says New York lost a ‘remarkable man’

Queens, New York

(New York Times, October 28) On a rain-splattered day in Jamaica, Queens, across the street from a hair salon and a mechanic, thousands of police officers gathered on Wednesday at a brick church to pay their respects to one of their own, shot and killed as he chased a fleeing gunman.

For the Caribbean family of Officer Randolph Holder, this was not the immigrant’s journey they wanted or expected, though it might have been the one that on many nights they feared. It began 12 years ago when Mr. Holder arrived in New York from Guyana to join his father. It ended last week, the officer mortally wounded in a confrontation in East Harlem.

Those who loved him said he charted his own course, one where bravery overcame fear. Mr. Holder, the police say, was killed while pursuing a wanted man in one of the more dangerous pockets of Manhattan.

For the rest of this story, click here. NOTE: Officer Holder's parents, Randolph Sr. and Princess Holder, attend the Far Rockaway, New York, Community Church of the Nazarene. The church's pastor, Les Mullings, officiated the memorial service. For more information on this story, see the Far Rockaway Community church's Facebook page

Alabama church rebuilds after fire

Jasper, Alabama

(WIAT, October 25) There’s reason for worshippers in Jasper to celebrate this Sunday. More than two years after a fire destroyed a building at First Church of the Nazarene, church members are dedicating a new facility.

“To actually dedicate the building and have a sense of completion with the building is such a weight off the church,” said Greg Wood, pastor of First Church of Nazarene.

Church members gathered at the new education center, which has been under construction for about two years. The old building was struck by lightning in August 2012, sparking a fire that consumed the entire building.

For the rest of the story and a video, click here.

Tifton’s First Church of the Nazarene celebrates 70 years

Tifton, Georgia

(Tifton Gazette, October 31) Tifton First Church of the Nazarene will celebrate its 70th anniversary Nov. 15 at 10:30 a.m. Former pastor Tom Rash will be the guest speaker. The community is invited to take part in this great day of celebration at 3024 Tift Avenue.

Led by the Rev. Aubrey Ponce, a few people gathered to glorify the Lord in a small building on South Ridge Avenue on a brisk morning in January 1945. With an uplifted spirit and the guiding hand of the Lord, the First Church of the Nazarene was officially organized with seven charter members. Ponce led the small congregation until the fall of 1945, leaving his desires and efforts in the hands of a new pastor and a growing congregation. The church began to minister to the spiritual needs of the community.

For the rest of this story, click here.

Olivet Nazarene professor enjoys busy lifestyle

Bourbonnais, Illinois

(Kankakee Daily Journal via The Washington Times, October 29)  Swim team, Boy Scouts, church, taking care of three kids as well as a kitten and a puppy, and making a new home livable — all while mentoring and teaching journalism and public relations, developing the new public relations major and starting an on-campus chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America at Olivet Nazarene University.

Oh, she's also working on her doctorate degree. And, she took her oldest son to see Pope Francis in Philadelphia during the weekend. Elizabeth Kerns is a very busy lady.

For the rest of this story, click here

Bob’s Red Mill founder at MNU

Olathe, Kansas

(, November 3) Bob Moore, founder of Bob’s Red Mill, a leader in whole grain and gluten free products, was a guest speaker at MNU today. Meeting with business students in the morning and speaking at the MNU Tuesday Business Professionals Luncheon, Moore told his story of building his business, not once, but twice (after a fire destroyed his first mill). At age 81, Moore gifted his company to his employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Program.

Moore speaks openly of his faith in God and its impact on his business. MNU President David Spittal says Moore’s remarkable devotion is inspirational.  

For the rest of the story, click here


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--Compiled by NCN News




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