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VBS ministry teaches Armenia children about God's love, career options

Nearly 50 Nazarene volunteers spread out over five towns in Armenia last summer and fall to hold Vacation Bible Schools and camps for children and teens, serving more than 350 children and reaching many parents. In Sevan, a poor city with many economic and social difficulties, there are few services
02 Mar 2017
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Trevecca alumni reflect on ministering to refugees in Greece

Jacob and Dorothee Morris, along with their two children Elias and Miriam, are currently working with Courage for the Journey, a partnership between the Church of the Nazarene's Central Europe and Western Mediterranean fields, to assist refugees fleeing unrest in the Middle East. The Morris' arrived
24 Feb 2017
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The right place: Ministering to Syrian-Armenian refugees

For many Syrian-Armenians who have fled Syria during the past six years of civil war, finding refuge in Armenia is coming home — and not. Zareh Mangilikian knows what it’s like. A jeweler in Yerevan, Armenia, he is also a man who, together with his family, has allowed the Lord to prepare and guide
16 Feb 2017
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Eurasia colleges work together to help Germany leaders continue education

Thanks to a partnership between Nazarene colleges on the Eurasia Region, eight church leaders with Kirche in Aktion (Church in Action) in Germany are earning their Master’s Degree in Theology without stepping away from their ministry. KiA is a church planting effort with 26 locations in four cities
03 Feb 2017
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Scotland church members journey with people displaced by refugee crisis

Most newspapers include stories of the war-ravaged Middle East and the millions of people displaced by violence. Readers will also find articles about refugee camps, border closures, and world leaders negotiating the numbers their nations can take. These issues have made their way into the world's
27 Jan 2017
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Nazarene presence set for Belarus

When a group of Nazarene leaders visited Belarus in late 2015 to learn from local Christian leaders of other denominations regarding what it has taken to grow their churches in that former Soviet country, they heard a cautiously optimistic tale. While established churches report expending enormous
27 Jan 2017
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India church offers hope in a red-light area

In Mumbai, the largest city in India, red-light districts boom. Thousands upon thousands of women and children are exploited through prostitution. Many impoverished children and women from rural communities in other areas of India or nearby countries — those most vulnerable to offers of a “better”
25 Jan 2017
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Albania church reaches hundreds through Touch of God program

Many of the villages in the vicinity of the Kolonje Lushnje Church of the Nazarene in Albania have no faith congregation at all. Albania, once a creative access country, has a small, minority Christian community, and many children have never heard about Christ. More than one year ago, God showed
13 Jan 2017
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Ian Wills takes lead for Northern Europe

Ian Wills became the new field strategy coordinator for Eurasia’s Northern Europe Field in August. Originally from Glasgow, Scotland, he is a fourth generation Nazarene. He worked in finance and banking for several years before studying theology, earning a Bachelor of Divinity and a Master of
21 Dec 2016
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Co-Creating Canaan: The blessing and gift of welcoming the stranger

In his workshop “Co-Creating Canaan: The Blessing and Gift of Welcoming the Stranger,” Rev. Ian Wills of Parkhead Church of the Nazarene in Glasgow, Scotland, introduced and illustrated his congregation's co-creating approach on their local ministry with refugees and asylum seekers. The workshop
14 Dec 2016
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MVNU Stanley

MVNU appoints new VP for University…

06 Sep 2024
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In Memoriam Blossoms

In Memoriam: 6 September 2024

05 Sep 2024
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Mountain Road

Moving Ministers: August 2024

05 Sep 2024
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Clarksville Korean School

Tennessee church serves growing Korean…

05 Sep 2024
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